Saturday, July 3, 2010

Let me go "Home"

Slow news day. Hell, slow news MONTH, as you can see by my lack of posting.
All you need to know is that the World Cup is taking over everything and vuvuzelas are the new BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Oh, and Paris Hilton blew her way out of another arrest.

I'm out of things to talk about, so let's talk about music.

"Home" by Edward Sharpe and Magnetic Zeros

I heard this song driving in my friend's car. She has mix CDs and has no idea where the songs come from. I heard it, wrote lyrics on a napkin, and googled it the minute I got home. I fell fully in love with it the minute I heard it. It's been on repeat on my mp3 player for weeks. It's in my top 100 songs, so you're gonna hear it.

It's a folksy, upbeat, fantastic song. I can't count all the instruments in this -- I can hear piano, guitar, some flute thing, potentially a banjo. But mostly, when I hear it, I go somewhere warm and country. And that's a great thing, when a song takes you somewhere.

The female voice is what truly got me. I did some research, and found that it's Jade Castrinos. She sounds like Jenny Lewis met Neko Case and hit up Rachel Yamagata for some raspy vocals. As in, I love her voice more than words can tell. Unfortunately, she hasn't done anything but this. A shame.

More than that, I'm a total sap and love songs about love. And this isn't "oh, I love you, you're perfect, let's spend our life together with no problems or fighting and with unicorns and rainbows." This is realistic. And many people have felt it. That home is wherever another person is.

The bad: Apparently it was on Degrassi? Get out of here with that nonsense. I hate when great songs end up on crappy shows. Don't get me started on the fact that folksy indie music ends up on Grey's Anatomy way too much for my liking.

If you liked this, find Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros on iTunes or find tour dates, links, and all kinds of stuff at

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